Resources > Colorful Cooking
Colorful Cooking
Marjorie Corman Aaron
This simulation presents as a distributive problem – how much Indigogreen will pay Randy Cooke (really the Cooke Family Trust) for 5 acres of land adjacent to the Indigogreen development project. The ZOPA should be enormous. However, negotiators who simply agree on a price between $1.2million and $4.0 million have not done well; they have failed to discover each other’s interests, and ways to generate far more gain for both. The most important lesson is that failure to learn the other side’s interests, concerns, and priorities, and to exchange some of your own information (not the bottom line) will result in sub-optimal deals for both sides.
Colorful Cooking: Teaching Note (PDF)
Colorful Cooking: Confidential Information for Indigogreen (PDF)
Colorful Cooking: Confidential Information for Randy Cooke (PDF)