Resources > Hapless Harvest – Client Counseling
Hapless Harvest – Client Counseling
Marjorie Corman Aaron
The prompt sets out a very difficult task: to give a client bad news – news they weren’t expecting to hear, clearly explain some reasonably complex legal concepts for the client to understand why the news is bad, try to get the client to settle the case for an amount less than they would have anticipated before the meeting, and have the client still trust the lawyer as a competent, zealous advocate who is on their side.
Hapless Harvest Client Counseling Exercise: Teaching Note (PDF)
Hapless Harvest Client Counseling Exercise: Information for Jan Hapless’ Attorney (PDF)
Hapless Harvest Client Counseling Exercise: Memo to Actors in Jan Hapless Role (PDF)
Hapless Harvest: Final Client Counseling Skills Exercise (PDF)
Hapless Harvest Initial Client Interviewing Exercise: Teaching Note (PDF)
Harvest Harper Initial Client Interviewing Exercise: Instructions for the Attorney (PDF)