Resources > Rita’s On the River
Rita’s On the River
Marjorie Corman Aaron
Both Rita’s On the River and Rita’s By the River are intended to be primarily integrative negotiation simulations. Run time for each is approximately 30 minutes. The only difference between the two simulations is that one has a ZOPA on the $, and the other does not.
The fact pattern is short and sweet: Melange Restaurant Group owns Rita’s restaurant and the 8-acre riverfront parcel on which it sits. Gadol is a developer with an option to purchase the adjacent 24-acre parcel, where it seeks to develop a mixed-use urban community with upscale residential, office, retail, condominium, and rental units. Gadol’s business team has determined that acquiring between 4 and 10 additional acres to add to the 24-acre parcel under option would greatly enhance the project’s profitability by enabling Gadol to offer more high-margin upscale features that require additional space.
Especially in a class or workshop with limited time, you can drive home the points above by giving Rita’s On the River to half the participants and Rita’s By the River to the other half. This makes it so that half of the group is working with a ZOPA and half without. In debriefing, it’s best to ask for the results of Rita’s On the River and Rita’s By the River separately, putting them into separate PowerPoint pages or, space permitting, separate columns on the same PowerPoint.
Rita’s River Suite: Teaching Note for Rita’s On the River and Rita’s By the River (pdf)
Rita’s On the River: Confidential Information for Melange Restaurant Group VP (pdf)
Rita’s On the River: Confidential Information for Representative of Gadol, Inc. (pdf)