Resources > Settle for More or Less
Settle for More or Less
Marjorie Corman Aaron
Settle for More or Less is a two-party, primarily distributive negotiation simulation. Each party’s confidential information is short – two pages or two sides of a single sheet. It can easily be negotiated in 30 minutes. Many groups will finish in 20 minutes or less. This simulation reliably demonstrates that our own unfortunate BATNA and reservation values shouldn’t influence our aspirations and that our assumptions shouldn’t predetermine our analysis of the other side’s reservation values. Its inclusion of external dollar value reference points as objective criteria teaches how these can be useful but needn’t dictate a result. Real information about the other side’s circumstances is critical for insight into what their BATNA and thus the ZOPA might be.
Settle for More or Less: Teaching Notes (pdf)
Settle for More or Less: Confidential Information for Bud Branam (pdf)
Settle for More or Less: Confidential Information for Quality Quarry (pdf)