Resources > Snug Spot
Snug Spot
Marjorie Corman Aaron
By necessity, successful mediation of this case will have to involve integrative solutions. The dispute is between a condominium owner, Loren Lichter against the owner of Snug Valley, a 6-unit condominium building, Sumptuous Villas Corp, and its architect/general contractor, Sam Vanderman. Loren Lichter is the only unit purchaser; they had purchased during the construction phase and moved in as soon as their unit was finished. In the aftermath of several rainstorms, a month after Snug Valley’s completion, its basement level flooded, ruining the common area laundry machines and Lichter’s home office and personal property in the lower level. The condominium association (of which Lichter and Sumptuous Villas were the only members) had purchased insurance, but the insurer has denied the claim based upon the building’s defects. Based in part upon the insurer’s report, Lichter’s claims against Sumptuous Villas and Vanderman are for negligence in the design, location, and construction of the Snug Valley condominiums.
Snug Spot Mediation: Teaching Note (PDF)
Snug Spot Mediation: General Information for the Mediator and the Parties (PDF)
Snug Spot Mediation: Information for Claimant, Loren Lichter (PDF)
Snug Spot Mediation: Information for Respondent, Sam Vanderman (PDF)