Resources > Taking to Tennis
Taking to Tennis
Marjorie Corman Aaron
This simple little negotiation exercise can be used to demonstrate both distributive and integrative approaches to negotiation. It is not based on legal practice. The students have only been assigned introductory materials on negotiation. For this reason, Taking to Tennis is a surprise for students and it never fails to generate a wide range of results. The ZOPA is just plain enormous. And it also inspires a nice discussion about the wide range and what led to it. Some students come up with integrative options, others don’t. Some negotiations yield almost no payment, others quite a high one. What is nice about using it with NO preparatory reading and barely any time to read the roles is that no student needs to be embarrassed by their outcome. This subtly reinforces the sheer importance insight, preparation, research, and thinking all play in negotiation. Teaching notes provided.
Taking to Tennis: Teaching Note (pdf)
Taking to Tennis: General Information (pdf)
Taking to Tennis: Confidential Information for Ron Levine’s Friend and Representative (pdf)
Taking to Tennis: Confidential Information for Saxon Warrick’s Agent (pdf)