Resources > Zoewe’s Place
Zoewe’s Place
Marjorie Corman Aaron
This is a straightforward distributive negotiation, with a large ZOPA. Zoewe’s owns a large number of movie theaters, primarily in suburban areas. Zoewe’s is interested in purchasing the downtown Krugfeld building as a social theater space with café table service. It’s targeted at aging baby boomers-empty nesters who might be otherwise inclined to watch movies at home. Information about the other side’s perspective/BATNA is critical, as it is in any distributive negotiation. Negotiators are wise to consider what parts of their information NOT to disclose. From a teaching perspective, the bank’s information about the condition of the building raises an ethical issue.
Zoewe’s Place Negotiation: Teaching Note (PDF)
Zoewe’s Place Negotiation: Confidential Information for Zoewe’s VP for Development (PDF)