Summer London Faculty
Professor of Law, University of Greenwich, School Law and Criminology
Özgür H. Çɪnar is a deputy head of the School of Law and Criminology at the University of Greenwich. He completed his Ph.D. at the School of Law, University of Essex on the subject of conscientious objection to military service and the case of Turkey. He was a post-doc fellow at the University of Oxford between 2012-2016. He is a lawyer and works as a legal expert for the Council of Europe. His main research interests are criminal law; business; human rights and the environment; immigration; criminal law; the right to conscientious objection; freedom of thought, conscience, and religion; and freedom of expression. His books are Introduction to the English Legal System (Transnational Press London, 2021); Introduction to Public Law and Human Rights (Transnational Press London, 2021); Introduction to EU Law (Transnational Press London, 2021); Freedom of Religion and Belief in Turkey-Religion, Society and Politics (Palgrave 2021); The Right to Conscientious Objection to Military Service and Turkey`s Obligations Under International Human Rights Law (Palgrave Macmillan, Pivot, 2014); Conscientious Objection to Military Service in International Human Rights Law and Turkey (Istanbul Bilgi University Publishing, 2014 in Turkish); Conscientious Objection to Military Service in International Human Rights Law (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013) and The Effects of the European Court of Human Rights Decisions’ on the Turkish Legal System (Human Rights Association, 2005 in Turkish). He is one of the editors of Freedom of Religion and Belief in Turkey (Eds., Cambridge Scholars, 2014); and Conscientious Objection: Resisting Militarized Society (Eds., Zed Books, 2009) and Sand in the Wheels: Conscientious Objection–Philosophical Sources and Experiences (İletişim Publishing House, 2008 in Turkish).