Mitchell Hamline’s marketing department will help connect you with our expert faculty members. Professors are frequently away from their desks, so we encourage you to contact us. Use this guide to find experts in your area of interest or need.
Click any name to view that professor’s profile page with phone and email address. In some cases, areas of particular focus are also noted.
Media Contact
Ally Roeker
ally.roeker Please contact via email first
651-290-6379 | 1-888-962-5529
Abortion/Reproductive Rights
Laura Hermer (including Roe v. Wade and Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization)
Hetal Dalal, gender justice
Administrative Law/Government Agencies
R. Carl Moy, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Bar Exam / Attorney Licensing Reform
Business and Employment Law
Business Law
Louis L. Ainsworth, closely held businesses, corporations, corporate finance, governance, compliance, corporate wrongdoing
Z. Jill Barclift, ethics, corporate finance, governance, corporations
Henry Allen Blair, software licensing, commercial and international business transactions
Joseph Daly, international business transactions
Gregory Duhl, commercial
Leanne Fuith ’10, limited liability companies, general and limited partnerships, closely held businesses
Daniel S. Kleinberger, limited liability companies, general and limited partnerships, closely held businesses, corporations, special litigation committees, investigations into alleged corporate misconduct
Kim Vu-Dinh, banking, finance, real estate development (incl. via federal tax credit and other federal programs), law and economics
Contract Law
Employment Law
Joseph Daly, employment discrimination
Leanne Fuith ’10, employee’s rights, employment discrimination, wage and hour laws, unemployment compensation
Daniel S. Kleinberger, employment law issues within closely held businesses
Ann Juergens, employee’s rights, unemployment
David Larson, employment discrimination, drug and alcohol testing, workplace disputes, wage and hour laws
Child Protection
DeShayla Strachan, including child custody
Church and State
Civil Litigation (Civil Lawsuits)
Peter B. Knapp, Minnesota
Civil Procedure
R. Carl Moy, federal circuit court
Civil Rights/Civil Liberties
Jim Hilbert, negotiation and settlement, education
Raleigh Hannah Levine, First Amendment
John O. Sonsteng, right to an attorney
Climate Change and the Law
Danielle Replogle, Public Health Law Center
Conciliation (small claims) Court
Constitutional Law
Jason Marisam (Minnesota state constitution)
Consumer Law
Gregory Duhl, predatory lending
Criminal Law
Eric S. Janus, sex offenders, insanity defense
Julie Jonas, 651-523-2845, wrongful convictions, habeas relief
John O. Sonsteng, including juvenile justice
Crypto Currency
Disability Law/ADA
Dispute Resolution
ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution), Arbitration, Mediation, Negotiation
Henry Allen Blair, arbitration, international commercial arbitration, and state-investor arbitration
Joseph Daly, national and international arbitration
Daniel S. Kleinberger, special litigation committees
Sharon Press, court ADR, mediation ethics
Elections and Voting
Election Law
Judicial Elections
Voting Rights
End of Life/ Bioethics/ Medical Ethics
Laura Hermer, bioethics related to reproduction
Thaddeus Pope, death and dying
Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources Law
Estate Law and Planning
Carolyn Grose, including wills and trusts
Health Law
Barbara Colombo ’89, federal False Claims Act (also adjunct Seth Whitelaw for FDA false claims)
Laura Hermer, private health insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, Affordable Care Act, EMTALA, health care safety net
Eric S. Janus, mental health, sex offenders
Thaddeus Pope, patients rights
Mark Gardner ’09, FDA, health care compliance, and privacy law
Ana Pottratz Acosta, border security, asylum law, DACA, Title 42, Minnesota Drivers’ Licenses for All legislation
Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)
Intellectual Property and Patent Law
Sharon K. Sandeen, plagiarism
Intellectual Property
Jay Erstling, patents, international patents, public health
R. Carl Moy, patent law
Sharon K. Sandeen, Bayh-Dole Act, ownership of government-funded inventions and creations, rights of publicity (name image likeness matters)
Patent Law
Trademarks and Trade Secret Law
Sharon K. Sandeen, including noncompete agreements, confidentiality
International, Foreign, and Comparative Law
Henry Allen Blair, international trade, public international law, international business transactions, and international dispute resolution
Jim Coben, international legal programs
Joseph Daly, international human rights
Jay Erstling, trade, economic rights, human rights, developing countries, China, India
Marcia Gelpe, Israel
Eric S. Janus, international human rights, preventive detention, Turkey
Mehmet K. Konar-Steenberg, Turkey
Sharon Press, Israel, international study abroad programs
Sharon K. Sandeen, international intellectual property, World Trade Organization/TRIPS Agreement
Anthony S. Winer, public international law, European Union law, international human rights
Labor Law and Labor Unions
Legal Education (law school) and Legal Profession
Legal Education (law school)
Nicole Coon, academic support
Mark Edwards, new technology
Carolyn Grose, clinical education
Hetal Dalal, legal writing
Peggy Kirkpatrick, legal writing
Business of Law Practices
Court Procedure
Federal Jurisdiction / Practice
Lawyer Ethics / Professional Responsibility
Lawyer Skills / Practice
Litigation / Pretrial Litigation
Trial / Trial Advocacy
Legislative Actions/Legislation
LGBTQ+, Sexuality and the Law
Henry Allen Blair, transphobia
Hetal Dalal, transphobia
Marijuana / Adult-Use Cannabis Legalization (MN)
Rachel Callanan, Public Health Law Center
Marriage Equality and Religious Freedom (intersection)
Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury
Thaddeus Pope, medical liability
Mental Health
Minnesota Supreme Court
Peter B. Knapp (also Minnesota’s entire court system, including Court of Appeals)
Mortgage Crisis/ Foreclosure/ Predatory Lending
Museum Law
Native American/ Federal Indian Law
Nonprofit Organizations
Opioid Crisis (ongoing litigation)
Poverty Law
Privacy Law
Sharon K. Sandeen, cybersecurity, online privacy, information privacy, Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
Michael K. Steenson, torts
Product Liability
Property/Real Estate Law
Mark Edwards, including landlord/tenant issue
Ann Juergens, including landlord/tenant issues
Daniel S. Kleinberger, including landlord/tenant issues
Public Health Law
Joelle Lester, Public Health Law Center
Ana Pottratz Acosta, Minnesota and federal public benefits laws (including Social Security); public benefits for non-citizens, MinnesotaCare (including public option/buy-in proposal), MNSure
Race, Law, and Society
Second Amendment, Right to Bear Arms
Sex Offender Law
Sexual Assault
Eric S. Janus, sexual violence on campus
DeShayla Strachan, sexual violence on campus
Social Media and Technology
Henry Allen Blair, cybersecurity
David Larson, social media and technology
Social Norms and Law
Space Law
Speech and Media
Defamation / Libel / Slander
First Amendment / Freedom of Speech
Media Law and Journalism
Tax Law
Tobacco Law, Smoking
Joelle Lester, Public Health Law Center
Tribal Governments and Sovereignty
Media appearances
Minnesota Lawyer September 3, 2024
Wisconsin Watch August 30, 2024
Do some states allow a baby to be ‘executed’ if an abortion ends in a live birth?
The New York Times August 26, 2024
Media appearances