Your gifts make a difference
Every year alumni and friends contribute generously to Mitchell Hamline. These gifts have immediate and long-lasting impact on students, the law school itself, and the community. Gifts to Mitchell Hamline enable students to pursue lifelong dreams. They enable the law school to find more effective ways to teach the law. They ensure the law school continues to serve the legal community, as well as the community at large.
Your generosity has enabled us to offer more scholarships than ever before, putting a Mitchell Hamline education within reach for the best and brightest students.
Endowed scholarships
Aaniin! Niiji Scholarship
Louis L. Ainsworth Scholarship
Honorable Ann L. Alton Scholarship for Women
Alumni/ae Memorial Scholarship
Chief Justice Douglas K. Amdahl Scholarship
Hon. Douglas K. and Phyllis J. Amdahl Scholarship
Magnuson Amdahl Working Student Scholarship
Jeffrey R. Anderson Scholarship
Lucille Mae Wetzig Austin Scholarship
Gustav C. Axelrod Scholarship
Luke and Laura Baer Family Scholarship
August Baetsle and Roberta Campbell Elder Law Scholarship
Caroline M. and Austin J. Baillon Scholarship
Baker Intellectual Property Law Scholarship
Constance L. Bakken Fellowship
Donald and Donna Barbeau Scholarship
Carolyn A. Bates Scholarship
Reverend and Mrs. Earl Frederic Baumhofer Scholarship
Bernard P. and Carole R. Becker Memorial Scholarship
Lawrence T. and Christine A. Bell Scholarship
Bender Family Memorial Scholarship
John and Edna Benson Scholarship
Stephen and Lois Bergerson Scholarship
Susan Berne Bonine ’79 Scholarship
William N. Bernard Scholarship
Kevin S. Berry Memorial Scholarship
Thomas H. Berreman Scholarship
Elsie Blackhurst Scholarship
David E. Bland ’79 Scholarship
Donald and Wanda Blockhus Scholarship
Bonner Family Scholarship
Borgman-Beaton Scholarship
Dorothy Bren Scholarship
Briggs and Morgan-Sam Hanson Diversity Scholarship
Kenneth G. Brill Scholarship
Richard E. Brink ’52 Intellectual Property Scholarship
Warren E. Burger Entrance Scholarship
Patricia Ann Burke ’78 Scholarship for Women
Robert S. and Eunice L. Burk Scholarship
John B. Burke, Sr. Memorial Scholarship
Burton Legal Writing Award
Edwin J. Butterfoss Scholarship
Caldecott Family Law Review Fellowship
Class of 1960 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1961 Scholarship
Class of 1976 Scholarship
Class of 1983 Scholarship
Thomas M. Conlin Scholarship
Frank Corrin Hodgson Memorial Scholarship
Thomas Corrin Hodgson Memorial Scholarship
Hugh J. and Jacquelone M. Cosgrove Scholarship
Howard S. Cox / Moss & Barnett Scholarship
Crandall Family Scholarship
Meredyth Anne Dasburg Scholarship
Charles C. and Marie J. DeMoss Scholarship
DeMoss Family Scholarship
Hon. Edward J. Devitt Scholarship
Doherty Rumble Butler Scholarship
Dorsey & Whitney Foundation Scholarship
Dorsey & Whitney Scholarship
Carl A. Dreves Memorial Scholarship
Eliza A. Drew Memorial Scholarship
Joseph Durda Foundation Veteran Scholarship
Eau Claire – Menomonie Wisconsin Scholarship
Ronald Elmquist Memorial Scholarship
Anne Marie Fairbanks Scholarship
John H. Faricy Jr. Scholarship
Kathleen Flynn Peterson Scholarship
Forman Scholarship
Judge Harvey W. Fort Scholarship
Fredrikson & Byron Scholarship Endowment
James R. and Mary W. Frey Scholarship
Kristine L. Gabel ’92 Scholarship
Joseph P. Gatto IV Scholarship
John Goff Family Fund
Mark and Mary Goff Fiterman Scholarship
Richard A. Golling Memorial Scholarship
Jwala P. Gupta Scholarship
Ronald E. and Alverna L. Hachey Scholarship
James & Pauline Hall and Hershell & Ruth Ann Page Scholarshi
Professor Neil Hamilton Scholarship
Hamline Law Review Scholarship
Bruce Hanley Criminal Justice Scholarship
Horace R. and Ruth L. Hansen Scholarship
Robert Harris Atkins Scholarship
Dora Hay Scholarship
Judge Gerald W. Heaney Scholarship
William Randolph Hearst Minority Scholarship
Douglas Heidenreich Scholarship
Edward G. Hitchcock and Marie S. Hitchcock Scholarship
Hon. Elizabeth Hoene Martin ’80 Scholarship for Women
Hogan-Oakes Scholarship
Professor James F. Hogg Scholarship
Margaret Maie Sodergren Houchens Memorial Scholarship
Philip Janus & John Chalmers Scholarship
C. Paul and Helen F. Jones Scholarship
Kathleen A. Junek Scholarship
Kappler & Cody Family Scholarship
James E. & Margaret H. Kelley Scholarship
Larry King Scholarship
Warren B. King Scholarship
Professor Kenneth Kirwin Prize
Klas Family Scholarship
Latino Law Student Association Scholarship
Law Alumni Association Scholarship
Law Faculty Scholarship
Judge Donald P. Lay Minority Honor Scholarship
Margaret A. Leary Scholarship
Roger R. Lenzmeier ’54 Memorial Scholarship
Annette Kurzen Levine and James Allen Levine Scholarship
Robert Linn Levine Scholarship
Lewis-Frost Family Scholarship
Hon. Miles W. Lord Scholarship
Martin Lueck & Mallory K. Mullins Scholarship
Steven W. Lundberg ’82 Intellectual Property Scholarship
M. Arnold Lyons Scholarship
Sergeant Mark A. Maida Veterans Scholarship
Nelson Mandela Scholarship
Joseph A.and Lucille M. Maun Scholarship
Angela M. McCaffrey Public Law Scholarship
Douglas and Joy McFarland Memorial Scholarship
Stanley W. and Dorothy K. Merrill Scholarship
Gregg E. Meyers Scholarship
Joseph S. ’62 and Lisa R. ’87 Micallef Scholarship
Kimberly J. Middendorf ’02 Courage Scholarship
Minority Scholarship Endowment
William Mitchell Scholarship
Richard Montgomery Scholarship
Teddy Morrow Wimer Scholarship
Allan E. “Pat” Mulligan Scholarship
E. Willard and Charles R. Murnane Scholarship
Crystal Murphy Memorial Scholarship
Thomas Murray Memorial Scholarship
Richard T. Oakes Memorial Scholarship
O’Keefe Family Scholarship
Prof. Robert Oliphant Marine Corps Scholarship
Ben I. Omorogbe `95 Leadership Scholarship
Dwight Opperman Scholarship
The Oppenheimer Richard G. Laureau Technology Scholarship
Justice James C. Otis Jr Scholarship
Justice James C. Otis Memorial Scholarship
Justice James C. Otis Scholarship
William John and Irene Parish Scarborough Scholarship
Charles and Marjorie Pihl Scholarship
Popham Haik Scholarship
Chief Justice Peter S. Popovich Scholarship
Professor J. David Prince Public Service Scholarship
R. Ross Quaintance Scholarship
Cyrus and Helen Rachie Scholarship
Hon. Steven E. Rau Memorial Scholarship
Eugene & Violet Rerat Scholarship
Peter and Mary Reyes Scholarship
Kathleen C. Ridder Scholarship
Rider Bennett Alumni Scholarship
Friends of Professor Roberts Scholarship
Robins Kaplan Minority Scholarship
Robins Kaplan Women’s Scholarship
Wilfrid E. Rumble Memorial Scholarship
Safari Club International Scholarship for Don McMillan
Donald C. and Mary Jo Savelkoul Scholarship
Nicholas V. Schaps Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Deborah A. Schmedemann Scholarship
Michael D. Schumann & Min (Amy) Xu IP Scholarship
Schwegman, Lundberg & Woessner Patent Scholarship
Susanne C. Sedgwick Scholarship
Harold and Helen Shapira Scholarship
Robert J. Sheran Litigation and Practice Scholarship
S. Louis Shore Memorial Scholarship
Harry A. Sieben, Sr. Memorial Scholarship
Amy Silberberg Scholarship
Bob & Herta Sinykin Scholarship
Lee H. Slater Scholarship
The Smaby/Symons Family Scholarship
John and Diane Sonsteng Scholarship
Michael K. Steenson Fellowship II
Michael K. Steenson Law Review
Professor Michael Steenson Scholarship
Curtis L. Stine Scholarship
Student Bar Association Scholarship
Student Bar Association Diversity Scholarship
G. Donald Tallard and Elvira Erickson Scholarship
Hon. Steven E. Rau Memorial Scholarship
Thomson Reuters Diversity Scholarship
Justice Esther M. Tomljanovich ’55 Scholarship for Women
Joyce Traynor Scholarship
Justice Rosalie E. Wahl ’67 Scholarship for Women
Rosalie Wahl Scholarship for Second-Year Students
Joe Walsh Memorial Scholarship
Madeline Tyler Ward Scholarship
The Wasie Scholarship
Jonathan Weitzman Leadership Scholarship
Welter Intellectual Property Scholarship
Weyandt Civility Scholarship
Bert N. Wheeler Memorial Scholarship
Emmaline L. Wolfe Warden and Walter P. Wolfe Scholarship
Women in Law Annual Scholarship
Barbara A. Wrigley IP Current Scholarship for Women
Honorable James A. Wright Scholarship
Don Zibell Family Scholarship
Christine D Zonneveld Scholarship for Part-Time Students
Christine D. Zonneveld ’89 Scholarship for Women
Barbara A. Zurek Memorial Scholarship
A law school is only as good as its faculty, and Mitchell Hamline’s faculty has proven to be outstanding. Our professors are connected to the profession, shaping legal discourse, and above all dedicated to teaching and mentoring. Faculty endowments ensure that Mitchell Hamline continues to retain and attract top faculty members.
Endowed faculty positions
Austin J. and Caroline M. Baillon Chair in Real Estate Law
Professor Mark EdwardsBonner Family Chair
President and Dean Anthony NiedwieckiJames E. Kelley Chair in Tort Law
Professor Raleigh LevineJudge Edward J. Devitt Professorship
Professor Marie FailingerJustice Helen M. Meyer Chair in Child Protection
Professor Joanna WoolmanLarry and Christine Bell Distinguished Professorship
Professor Michael K. SteensonMartin R. Lueck and Mallory K. Mullins Professorship in Advocacy
Professor John SonstengRobins Kaplan Directorship of the Public Health Law Center
Doug BlankeRobins Kaplan Distinguished Professorship in Intellectual Property Law
Professor Sharon K. SandeenRobins Kaplan Professorship in Litigation Skills and International Dispute Resolution
Professor Henry BlairRolf and Nancy Engh Distinguished Professorship
Professor Gregory DuhlTaft Stettinius & Hollister LLP Chair in Energy and Environmental Law
Professor Mehmet Konar-Steenberg
Academics and Innovation
Mitchell Hamline has been on the forefront of legal education innovation, offering an education grounded in the real world. Alumni and friends have sh9wn their appreciation for our modern approach to education, generously investing in new educational programs and expanding current ones.
Investments in academics and innovation
Created the first on-campus/online blended enrollment option at an ABA-approved law school
Launched the Center for Law and Business
Launched the Institute to Transform Child Protection
Expanded the Energy and the Environment Law Program
Expanded Externship Programs
Increased the Law Review Endowment to more than $1 million