Our flexible part-time program enables you to continue working while you earn your J.D. degree
Just like our full-time program, Mitchell Hamline’s part-time J.D. program integrates theory and practice skills beginning in your first year. You will have a multitude of opportunities to practice being a lawyer through our renowned skills courses, clinics, and externships. You’ll also be able to explore a range of areas of law that interest you through our Centers, Institutes, and specialized courses.
You can enter Mitchell Hamline in the fall, or, if you are transferring from another ABA-approved law school, you may enroll in the fall or spring. We follow a traditional academic calendar with two semesters each year. You are not required to take class in the summer, but summer is a great time for gaining a certificate through one of our Institutes, participate in study abroad programs, or work in the legal community.
We begin accepting applications in October and admit students on a rolling basis until the incoming fall class is full.
Flexible Scheduling
At Mitchell Hamline, we recognize that family and professional circumstances may change while you’re in law school, so we make sure our scheduling is flexible. Upper-level students are able to enroll in courses during the day or evening. You have the ability to move freely between full-time and part-time enrollment at each semester break. For example, you have the ability to begin part time in your first year, thereby easing the transition to law school, and then accelerate the program by enrolling full time starting in your second year.