Book Chapters
A New Recipe for Renditions and Extraditions; Legal Issues in the Struggle Against Terror. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2010. Ed. J. Moore and R. Turner.
Notice and an Opportunity to be Heard Before the President Kills You, 48 Wake Forest Law Review 829 (2013). With R. Murphy.
Mitchell Hamline Open Access | SSRN
The Evolution of Law and Policy for CIA Targeted Killing, 5 Journal of National Security Law & Policy 439 (2012). With R. Murphy.
Mitchell Hamline Open Access | SSRN
Measure Twice, Shoot Once: Higher Care for CIA-Targeted Killing, 2011 University of Illinois Law Review 1201 (2011). With R. Murphy.
Mitchell Hamline Open Access | SSRN
One Lantern in the Darkest Night: The CIA’s Inspector General, 4 The Journal of National Security Law & Policy 247 (2010). With R. Check.
Mitchell Hamline Open Access | SSRN
Remodeling the Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA), 32 Cardozo Law Review 437 (2010).
Mitchell Hamline Open Access | SSRN
Bush and Obama Fight Terrorists Outside Justice Jackson’s Twilight Zone, 26 Constitutional Commentary 551 (2010).
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The Case for Stewart over Harlan on 24/7 Physical Surveillance, 88 Texas Law Review 1475 (2010).
Mitchell Hamline Open Access | SSRN
Due Process and Targeted Killing of Terrorists, 31 Cardozo Law Review 405 (2009). With R. Murphy.
Mitchell Hamline Open Access | SSRN
When the Smoke Clears at CIA, 2 Berkeley Journal of International Law Publicist 1 (2009).
An Overt Turn on Covert Action, 53 Saint Louis University Law Journal 485 (2009).
Mitchell Hamline Open Access | SSRN
Introductory Note to President Barack Obama’s Executive Orders on Guantanamo Bay Detention Facilities, Interrogation and Detention of Terror Suspects and the Memorandum Regarding the Detention of Ali Saleh Kahlah Al-Marri, 48 International Legal Materials 394 (2009).
Change Versus Continuity at Obama’s CIA, 21 Regent University Law Review 299 (2009).
Mitchell Hamline Open Access | SSRN
Sed Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes: The CIA’s Office of General Counsel? 2 Journal of National Security Law & Policy 201 (2008).
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Irregular Rendition’s Variation on a Theme by Hamdi, 33 North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation 595 (2008).
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The Collision Between Common Article Three and the Central Intelligence Agency, 56 Catholic University Law Review 959 (2007).
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Transferring Suspected Terrorists, National Security Law Report, Nov. 2007, at 1.
The Unresolved Equation of Espionage and International Law, 28 Michigan Journal of International Law 595 (2007).
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A Better Model for Interrogating High-Level Terrorists, 79 Temple Law Review 1277 (2006).
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A More Regular Process for Irregular Rendition, 37 Seton Hall Law Review 1 (2006).
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Second-Guessing the Spymasters with a Judicial Role in Espionage Deals, 91 Iowa Law Review 1259 (2006).
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The Moussaoui Case: The Mess from Minnesota, 31 William Mitchell Law Review 1417 (2005).
Mitchell Hamline Open Access | SSRN
Iran Updates Investment Law, Caspian Investor, Feb. 2001, at 15.
Sanctions on Iran, Iraq, Libya: Update and Analysis of Trends, Middle East Executive Reports, Oct. 1999, at 9. With R. Pelletreau.
Copyright Protection and the Marketing of Software in Brazil: The New Legal Framework, 24 The International Lawyer 153 (1990). With M. Mensik.
Other Publications
The Persian Gambit, The Jerusalem Post (March 20, 2017). With R. Delahunty.
The Jerusalem Post
Loftier Standards for the CIA’s Remote-Control Killing, Statement to House Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs.
Twilight of a Long War: A Draft Presidential Address to a Joint Session of Congress.
Rendition Revisited: Panetta and Obama Step into the Gray, JURIST (February 13, 2009).
University of Pittsburgh
Cleaning House at the CIA, The National Law Journal (December 1, 2008).
Breaking the Code: A Call for Candor at the CIA, JURIST (January 15, 2008).
University of Pittsburgh
Confirming the CIA’s Legal Eagle, JURIST (May 11, 2007).
University of Pittsburgh
Unfinished Business, The National Law Journal (July 24, 2006).
The Silence of the Iranian Lambs, JURIST (July 14, 2006).
University of Pittsburgh
The Secret Government, JURIST (March 10, 2006).
University of Pittsburgh