Adjunct/Affiliated Professor
Adjunct Professor, Augsburg University
Since 2017, Tim Scobie has been an Adjunct Professor at Augsburg University where he teaches undergraduate and graduate students in business law and strategic management. Among other topics, he focuses on formal business structures, internal management, leadership learning, the strengths and weaknesses of various corporate organizational structures, the importance of teams, including virtual teams, shareholder/owner relations, and the importance of business cultural awareness, understanding and practices.
From 2001 to 2017, Tim served as General Counsel of a 1000+ employee, privately held company with numerous subsidiaries and business units. He served on the company’s Board of Directors, the Corporate Senior Management Team, and as head of the Corporate Security Group. As General Counsel, Tim’s responsibilities included managing all in-house day-to-day and strategic legal activities, corporate transactions, and legal cost management. He provided hands-on legal guidance to all levels of the company’s executive and employee staff and managed all outside legal counsel. In his role as Chief Security Officer, Tim was responsible for the oversight of the corporate security vision, strategy, implementation and coordination, and all critical incident response processes.
Between 1993 to 2001, Tim was the Chippewa County District Attorney and then served as a Chippewa County Supplemental Court Commissioner from 2001 to 2014.
Since 2015, Tim along with his wife Rachel and their children have resided in Saint Paul.