Attention students: This form is to be completed in your final semester of law school. You must have submitted a notice of intent form prior to completing the requirements checklist. Certificate Requirements ChecklistFirst Name (as you'd like it written on your certificate)*Middle Name or InitialOptionalLast Name (as you'd like it written on your certificate)*Date*Email*Post-graduation email addressAddress*Post-graduation mailing addressAddress Line 2City*State* ALAKARAZCACOCTDEDCFLGAHIIDILINIAKSKYLAMEMHMDMAMIMNMSMOMTNENVNHNJNMNYNCNDOHOKORPARISCSDTNTXUTVTVAWAWVWIWYPostal Code*MHSL ID Number*What type of student are you? Full Time Part Time Blended LearningIf you are human, leave this field blank.