It’s official: Finals are here.
We know this time is extra stressful. To help ease the next few weeks of studying and exam-taking, the Library has two things for you to look forward to: 1) a super awesome book display on all sorts of study aids and 2) free coffee! Starting today, students can come get a cup of coffee (or 5) in the Collaborative Classroom. On Monday, we will even up the ante and include some free snacks!
Now, about this book display…
Print study aids materials can be checked out by members of our community so if you see something you are interested in, contact
And remember, student also have access to digital versions of study aids via the Online Study Aids course in Canvas.
If you have any questions about the display, or about study aids generally and how to access them, please contact Sean Felhofer or the Library’s Reference Staff. The reference librarians are available for appointments (or questions) in person or via phone (651-290-6424), chat, Zoom, or email.