Bring the following items so your visit can be productive. Make sure you bring everything you’ve received from the court.
- Current court documents relating to the custody of the child(ren)
- Documents relating to Order for Protections, Domestic Abuse, or Child In Need of Protection or Services (CHIPS) proceedings
- Proof of parentage (Recognition of Parentage “ROP” or court established father)
- Current court documents relating to child support
- Demographic details for you and other parent including: Name, Birthdate, Social Security Number, Address, Phone Number
- Verification of coverage and costs of: child care, medical and dental insurance
- Verification of public assistance for the child
- Verification of child support for the child (since the separation)
If child support has not been ordered then also bring current income information including:
- Paystubs from employment, workers compensation, unemployment, etc.
- Verification of public assistance, disability benefits, etc.
- Bank statements
- Statements from any stocks, retirement plans, 401Ks, etc.
- Verification of spousal support payments (since this separation or from a previous marriage)