Juvenile Justice Advocates International has been leading the response to COVID-19 in Mexico’s juvenile justice system – coordinating with federal and state officials in Mexico to implement recommendations to limit the spread of the disease and also minimize the mental health and human rights issues around locking-down facilities, suspending programming and family visits. There is a pending humanitarian crisis in facilities that may never see a single COVID-19 case.
Now, we are expanding our effort to the rest of Latin America. But our strategy depends on being in contact with government officials in these countries in order to make them aware of and help them implement the recommendations.
We need law students who can read Spanish and can help build our database of regional juvenile justice officials to aid in our outreach and communication efforts. This is a project that can be done from anywhere via the internet. Estimated commitment of 5-15 hours per student and to start ASAP.
Any interested law students should join our Zoom call on this Thursday, April 2nd at 4pm Eastern Time.
Link to join: https://zoom.us/j/855207212