Activity to be completed today (4/6/20) and submitted by 11:59pm:
It’s easy to be overwhelmed by all of the negative things going on in the world right now and it affects each of us in different ways. Your activity for Monday is:
Complete the following sentences with your own answers and share one of them below.
1. I am grateful for (insert a person’s name) because (insert reason).
2. One of my strengths is (insert strength) and I’m using this to my advantage right now by (insert answer).
3. One of my weaknesses is (insert weakness), but I am able to overcome this by (insert answer).
Bonus entry: Reach out to the person you are grateful for and tell them how they have impacted you. This can be a text, call, or a yell across the street. Tell us if you decide to do this and how it made you feel.