The Mitchell Hamline SBA – Health and Wellness Group is seeking student administrators for the 2020-2021 academic year. The group was spearhead by two, now graduated, law students to encourage students to engage in activities that promote wholistic wellness amidst the pandemic. It received high participation and praise from Mitchell Hamline students and faculty, as such it would be great if it continued. There is already a streamlined process in place that will help the group as they re-launch this fall. It would likely be a two-hour time commitment for 1-2 students each week. This would be a great opportunity for hybrid/EJD to be involved, as all the work can be accomplished remotely. If you are interested, please reach out to Brooke Hein at for more information.
Preferred Qualities:
-Strong GIF game.
-Passion for health and wellness.
-Slightly tech savvy.
-Professional, organized and accountable.