Registration is now open for the Equal Justice Works (EJW) annual Conference and Career Fair.
The Equal Justice Works Conference and Career Fair is the largest public interest legal career fair in the country, bringing together hundreds of law students, recent graduates, public interest employers, law school faculty and staff, and public interest practitioners from across the United States and its territories for prescheduled interviews, informal “table talk” discussions, networking opportunities, and panel sessions on a variety of contemporary public interest topics.
This year, we are excited to announce a new format for the 2022 Conference and Career Fair that will ensure greater accessibility and inclusivity for our attendees. For the first time, Equal Justice Works will split up the event, with the conference and career fair portions taking place over two separate dates:
Equal Justice Works Conference: September 21 – 23, 2022
Equal Justice Works Career Fair: October 20 – 22, 2022
Both parts of the event will be held virtually and will require a single registration.
Mitchell Hamline’s Career and Professional Development will sponsor a limited number of students who wish to participate in this event, on a first come, first served basis. Contact Susan Galazen for more information on registration reimbursement.