Cybaris Associates receive 1 academic credit (P/F) for editing the journal and an additional 1-2 credits (P/F) are available for writing. The journal’s writing requirement can be met either through an Advanced Writing Requirement long paper (2-credits) or through writing a Legislative Report (1-credit). We invite our Associates to explore topics that interest you, and there are additional publication opportunities if you would like to contribute to the Cybaris blog. For more information about Cybaris and what to expect as an associate, please see our Write-On presentation here.
Write–on consists of two parts, a Bluebook Quiz (found here) and a writing sample.
- Bluebook Quiz:
- Please enable track changes in the linked document and correct the citations
- Save the file as last name_bluebook quiz (Munster_bluebook quiz)
- Writing Sample
- Please limit writing samples to 10 pages
- You are not required to produce a new, original work within the write–on period!
- You can use your LARC Memo or a redacted brief – the goal is to assess your writing skills
- Other potential writing samples are:
- A draft IP-related blog post (must be on a recent IP-related case or IP legislation, 1000-1200 words)
- An abstract or general summary of recent IP legislation.
- Please save this as last name_writing sample (Munster_writing sample)
The other required submittals for write–on are a cover letter addressing your interest in joining Cybaris and a resume.
All submissions must be sent to by 11:59pm CDT on July 30, 2023.
Supplemental information:
- Video Intellectual Property Foundations Intro– Professor Sandeen [link to external site]
Please feel free to reach out to Cybaris Editor-in-Chief Jared Munster with any questions during this period.