2L Blended Section 3 Students,
The run-off election for your Student Bar Association (SBA) representative starts Tuesday, October 15 and ends on Saturday, October 19 at 11:45 p.m. CST.
The run-off candidates are Gina Farmer and Martha Corby; write-in candidates are not accepted. This is an important opportunity for you to make your voice heard and support the candidate who best represents your interests and vision for our law school community.
Please cast your vote here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=4V2Ox4DIQk2tJ3faUP2maqKnmgaG5dJHgq1BAn9onEBUQ0EzMUhHMkNOU0M4OVNNVjRPSjAwSDVSOC4u
Thank you for your engagement in this vital process. Remember, your vote is not just a number, it’s a voice that matters!