SIPLA is pleased to announce that the Fall ‘24 series of IP employer visits here at MHSL will culminate THIS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2024, with a visit from DAVE PACHECO, who is Director and Assistant Chief IP Counsel for the 3M COMPANY. Mr. Pacheco is responsible not only for managing trademark matters of 3M’s Safety and Industrial Business Group, but also the 3M mark, company-wide, over the entire world.
We would love to see you attend this presentation. 3M has among the most sophisticated IP expertise of any corporation. This extends to both Trademark and Copyright matters. In fact, 3M holds a very extensive portfolio of Trademarks across the entire planet, and the 3M mark is one of the very most valuable trademarks in existence. Mr. Pacheco’s visit will give you a detailed look into state-of-the-art practices and strategies regarding the treatment Trademarks and Copyrights at one of the best-run corporate IP departments in the world.
Sophisticated knowledge of how to manage Trademarks and Copyrights is essential for every IP attorney. There are many who practice in these areas exclusively. Even an attorney who aims to practice in other areas, however, must know Trademark and Copyright dovetail with other IP rights, both tactically and strategically. You want to know these matters at least as well, or better, than the people you are competing against. The information Mr Pacheco will share at this presentation cannot be duplicated from any other source.
Come to the meeting THIS FRIDAY, at 3:30 p.m. For those of you coming to campus, the meeting will be in ROOM 125. For those of you attending remotely, here is the ZOOM link:
As always, food and beverages will be present.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Sophia Hicks