The Minnesota State Bar Association is seeking student volunteers to develop and review documents in our practicelaw library. practicelaw is the MSBA’s collection of over 2,000 forms, checklists, sample documents, and other resources developed by members for members. The MSBA is seeking to build our collection in several practice areas including Intellectual Property, Labor & Employment, Real Property, Criminal, Civil Litigation, Probate, and more. All students will be paired with a supervising attorney.
Students and supervising attorneys will be credited as authors/reviewers on each published document. So, your application materials should include a short biography in addition to a résumé and letter of interest indicating which practice area you’d most like to support. Send these materials to Mike Carlson at You are also welcome to contact Tessa Boury at if you have questions.
This is a volunteer opportunity. Students interested in pairing this opportunity with externship credit can also contact John Sonsteng at and Denise Roy at