RAMSEY COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION JOB SHADOW – Sign up TODAY to shadow an attorney or judge in Ramsey County for half a day or a few hours during Spring Break (March 9-15). You may observe court proceedings, meet with attorneys, receive a tour of a law firm or have lunch with an attorney. Once matched with an attorney or judge, the student agrees to: (1) contact the attorney or judge to arrange the time and details of the visit, (2) dress and interact professionally, (3) send a thank you note after the visit, (4) and complete the program evaluation. This program is sponsored by the Ramsey County Bar Association.
Applications are due by Friday, March 1st:
GREATER MINNESOTA – Sign up TODAY to shadow a judge or attorney in Rochester, St. Cloud, Duluth, or another city (outside the Twin Cities) during Spring Break (March 9-15). Shadowing an attorney or judge, the student agrees to: (1) contact the attorney or judge to arrange the time and details of the visit, (2) provide your own transportation and lodging, (3) dress and interact professionally, (3) send a thank you note after the visit, and (4) complete the program evaluation. As part of the application process, you will be asked to submit a copy of your resume and make a brief appointment with Sharon Goodyear to discuss your specific interests for matching purposes.
Applications are due by Friday, March 1st:
Questions: sharon.goodyear@mitchellhamline.edu