Professor Melissa Shultz seeks a Research Assistant to work with her during the 2021-2022 academic year, preferably beginning in mid-July or early-August of 2021.
Professor Shultz’s current projects include an article concerning the interaction between social media and professional responsibility and an article on the cross-curricular incorporation of MPT-style assessments in law schools.
In addition, the selected Research Assistant may be asked to help revising and expanding certain chapters of the federal edition of Professor Shultz’s previously Texas-specific legal writing textbook (new federal edition will be forthcoming in 2023). Please send a cover letter, a copy of your resume, and a short writing sample (preferably not corrected by a reviewer and fewer than five pages) by e-mail to as soon as possible.
Please note that a student’s writing sample need not be a law review article; but the selected writing sample should showcase clarity of the applicant’s legal writing, strong legal analysis, and solid research and citation skills.