Coronavirus news and information
Track this page for the latest from Mitchell Hamline on changes and updates related to the coronavirus outbreak.
Health status reporting
If you learn that you or someone close to you has been diagnosed with COVID-19, or that you or someone close to you has been exposed to a person who has COVID-19 or to a person from an area experiencing an outbreak of COVID-19, please notify a school official. Faculty and staff should notify Human Resources Director Andrea Bien, Students should notify Dean of Students Lynn Lemoine, We respect the privacy of our faculty, staff, and students. The information gathered will be used in the event that we have a confirmed case reported by a member of our community. The sharing of information will be limited to those individuals that have a business need to know and would include the Minnesota State Health Department.
More information
For current health-related information, we encourage you to visit the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Minnesota Department of Health websites. We will also update school information on the website.
State officials are posting updated information on the spread of COVID-19 in Minnesota here.
Contacts for questions
- On-campus students:
- Blended-learning students: blendedlearning
- Employees should contact their manager or Andrea.Bien
- Media: Doug.Belden
Additional resources
- Students can find additional information on the Docket, and faculty and staff on the Summit
- Moving your class online for faculty
- Accessibility resources for online learning
News updates
New journal article details dash to create unique COVID-19 clinic at pandemic’s start
New journal article details dash to create unique COVID-19 clinic at pandemic’s start
Mitchell Hamline to return to CHS Field for commencement
Starting Jan. 10, visitors to campus must show proof of vaccination
Starting Jan. 10, visitors to campus must show proof of vaccination