“From March 2nd through March 5th I attended the ABA Health Law Section’s 17th Annual Emerging Issues in Healthcare Law Conference (EMI) in San Diego, CA. Each year, the Health Law Section awards up to five scholarships to law students from across the country to attend EMI. The application required a letter of recommendation (thank you, Professor Pope!), resume, and a handful of essay question responses. The scholarship provided reimbursement for air travel, a per diem for lodging/meals, and conference registration.
“The conference was a wonderful whirlwind of presentations and discussion sessions on current health law issues, and most importantly: networking. Each evening closed with a networking reception recognizing a different cohort of attendees. It was fascinating meeting health law attorneys, and non-attorneys involved in health law, from around the country, hearing their backgrounds, and receiving an abundance of mentorship and guidance on how to succeed in the field. I was fortunate to gain lifelong connections from across the U.S.
“The Health Law Institute’s exceptional professors, course offerings, and programming set me up for a great understanding of the health law field prior to attending. I am grateful to have had this opportunity and urge any fellow law students interested in health law to apply for the scholarship next year. The 2017 EMI will be held in New Orleans, LA. If you do attend, be sure to stay a day later for the “extra” activities, which this year included a golf tournament or a behind-the-scenes tour of the San Diego Zoo!” – Tyler Cowart