Learn why only 2-3% of all candidates in an interview process rise to the top, and how they do it. Gain the Edge
The event starts with exploring the students understanding of what an interview actually is. Moving from a proper understanding of what an interview is, we then explore, in great depth, the power of the human story and how to tell “your” story – looking beyond the whats and getting into the hows and whys. Students will then be instructed on candidate psychology as well as the psychology of the interviewer as we construct our personal narrative. The goal of the event is to equip students to think more deeply about who they are and how they present themselves to a prospective employer. Ultimately, unlocking the key to thoughtful, deep, and compelling conversation that is sure to be different than 97-98% of their peers.
Featuring Brian Back – Partner at Hansen Back Recruiting and Consulting Firm
October 25, 2017, Mitchell Hamline Kelley Boardroom 4-5:30pm