Egbu is a 2021 Heath Care Compliance Certificate program graduate.
What kind of work are you doing in your new role?
“I’m an attorney for the Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) in the Enforcement department. I represent HHS in matters arising from sanctions against regulated or contracted healthcare facilities, programs, or services. I also work with surveyors and a policy team. I review bills and collaborate with the federal HHS and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on matters related to federal healthcare programs.
Once healthcare providers are sanctioned for regulatory or contractual violations and choose to appeal it, I defend and prove the legal sufficiency of the proposed sanctions. These contested cases are heard in administrative hearings before the State Office of Administrative Hearings and the Health and Human Services Commission Appeals Division.”
How did MHSL’s Heath Care Compliance Program for Working Professionals help prepare you for your new roll?
“Mitchell Hamline and the Health Law Institute have largely prepared me with in-depth knowledge and understanding of the regulatory role HHS plays in healthcare. In the Health Care Compliance Program, we were trained to identify common healthcare legal issues and studied the relevant laws. I started my new position feeling confident in the subject matter and equipped with analytical skills to perform at a high level.
Many of the materials and case law we covered in the program are identical to the type of cases I handle in my current role at HHS. My professors were more than happy to make time to have further discussions with me on topics we covered and shared how those issues played out in their work experience. Connecting with your classmates now is connecting with your future colleagues who may work with or across from you one day. I’m very fortunate to have begun my journey in health law with the Mitchell Hamline Health Law Institute.”