$2,000 Consumer Law Scholarships
Offered by: Schlanger Law Group LLP, a Consumer Protection Law Firm
To all interested students: Schlanger Law Group LLP, a consumer protection law firm, is offering two $2,000 scholarships. The scholarships will be awarded to the two students (one undergraduate and one graduate/law student) who submit the most persuasive short essay based on a specific consumer protection law scenario.
Important Details: Interested applicants can find more details about this opportunity, and the law firm in general, on the Schlanger Law Group website. The Scholarship Opportunity pages (both Undergraduate and Law School/Graduate students can apply) are found here:
Undergraduate Scholarship: https://consumerprotection.net/2025-scholarship-opportunity-undergraduate-students/
Law School/Graduate Scholarship: https://consumerprotection.net/2025-scholarship-opportunity-law-and-graduate-students/
Please note that use of Chat GPT or other similar AI tools in connection with drafting the essay is not permitted.
Application deadline: February 31st, 2025
For more information contact: scholarship@consumerprotection.net