Illinois district court opinion finding that the Illinois' Department of Corrections policy of prohibiting more than one registrant from residing at an address while on supervision to be unconstitutional under the 8th and 14th Amendments.
Federal district court opinion finding no constitutional violation with regard to Nebraska requiring juveniles adjudicated out of state and registered privately in their respective states to be placed on Nebraska's public registry upon moving there.
North Carolina Supreme Court decision finding that a trial court order determining that a defendant was a "danger to the community" was not in error, and thus registration was required under state law, following his conviction for secret peeping.
Kansas Supreme Court opinion reversing a lower court holding that jury instructions in a SVP transitional release trial were not sufficient to comport with Due Process.
8th Circuit Court of Appeals opinion affirming a defendant's liability for the full amount of a victim's losses in a child pornography offense--regardless as to whether those losses were incurred prior to the defendant's conduct--as well as a condition of supervised release prohibiting the possession of adult pornography.
New Jersey Supreme Court opinion reversing the civil commitment of an individual where the state did not produce psychiatric testimony supporting the commitment in adherence with state law.
Wisconsin Supreme Court opinion holding that a database maintained by the state DOC of recidivism rates is discoverable under state discovery statutes in a SVP proceeding.
Wyoming Supreme Court opinion holding that appellant was not eligible to petition for removal from state registry on the basis that he had not registered for 25 years under state law, fact that his conviction occurred 25 years ago notwithstanding.