1st Circuit Court of Appeals case affirming in part and reversing in part complex litigation involving Massachusetts Treatment Center, finding no Due Process violations in Appelants cases.
9th Circuit Court of Appeals opinion affirming the dismissal of a civil rights lawsuit alleging that California's "sexually violent predator" designation violated a variety of constitutional rights.
South Dakota Supreme Court holding that the registration requirement for certain juvenile sex offenders, which did not provide the same opportunity provided to adults who commit same offense to have names removed from registry if they obtained suspended imposition of sentence, violated equal protection.
North Carolina Court of Appeals holding that the state legislature's attempt to bring North Carolina's conditions for removal from the sex offender registry in line with federal standards did not constitute an unlawful delegation of authority, and that evidence was sufficient to support the Superior Court's denial of offender's petition.
New Jersey Supreme Court opinion holding that subjecting juveniles to more onerous registration requirements than those imposed on adults violates substantive due procress..
Northern District of Illinois federal trial court holding that Illinois Department of Corrections policies for continuing to imprison people who were unable to obtain lawful housing was not constitutional.
By Reina Gattuso In October, the Supreme Court heard a case that was painfully ironic, considering the Kavanaugh hearings the nation had just been subjected to: a challenge to the United States’ extremely restrictive sex offender registry laws. While opinions on the case Gundy v. United States, which challenges the Attorney General’s ability to retroactively impose registry …